Thursday, October 11, 2007


WTFs?! are some lamentations on life, or on things you should really know by now. I'm indignant about these; you should be, too.

So just to get these off my chest:

the possessive your: should probably precede a noun. (thereby showing possession...)
and the you're: as in the contraction of you are.

just a few notes on spelling
  • tomorrow. The last person you spoke to today probably spelled it wrong.
  • accommodate.
  • Wednesday. Yes, there are two d's in there.
  • hors d'oeuvre. If you really don't know it, then don't use it.
  • receive. This one kills me every time I see it butchered. Absolutely kills.
Spell checking tools are your friend.

Sigh. Shaking of head. God help us all. I'm going to have a piece of dark chocolate while those who need to, mull over the aforementioned.