I just had my first chocolate croissant in three or four years. I think the last time I had them was when I was in D.C. and went to the Au Bon Pain on campus. Those things are scrumptious. Something tells me that the holidays, as usual, are not going to be good to my body mass index. Are they ever good to anybody? Well, maybe to the pockets of the scoundrels in the Bally Total Fitness Membership Office come January.
With the approaching holidays, I must say that I'm looking forward to not shopping in stores and doing my minimalist shopping online. Hey, I'm a struggling assistant. On a recent visit to the Burbank Media Center mall during the first weekend of November, the thirty-plus people waiting in line for the register at a women's clothing retailer was enough to turn me off. That, the cranky salespeople (aren't the customers supposed to be the irritated ones?) and screaming kids that parents let run amok are enough for me. I don't need more stress in my life. I wonder what the average stress levels are for the Los Angeles area resident.
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