Loser-paged Saturday nights, Words People Keep Throwing Around, and 'I Drink Your Milkshake'
It's official. I'm having a bona fide loser Saturday night. It's 10:01p.m. Somehow the weekend is half gone without me making any major plans for the night. How incredibly unexciting. And it's not that I feel like a loser for being home on a Saturday night, it's more of the fact that I'm at home, BORED OUT OF MY FREAKING MIND, on this particular night. It's at least an hour and a half until SNL, and I just don't feel like being home. The kind where you call me at home and I'm not there. 'A la Seinfeld. Ughh. There were sooo many things I was supposed to accomplish. If only I needed sleep occasionally... Believe it or not, George isn't at home, where could I be? I could be out or watching TV...
bona fide (adjective). 1. made in good faith without fraud or deceit. 2. made in earnest intent; sincere. 3. neither specious nor counterfeit; genuine.
credenza (noun) 1. credence. 2. a sideboard, buffet, or bookcase patterned after a Renaissance; especially one without legs.
credence (noun) 1.a. a mental acceptance as true or real 1.b. credibility. 2. credentials. 3. a Renaissance sideboard used chiefly for valuable plate. 4. a small table where the bread and wine rest before consecration.
impetus (noun) 1.a. a driving force; impulse. 1.b. stimulation or encouragement resulting in increased activity.
incumbent (noun) 1. the holder of an office or ecclesiastical benefice. 2. one that occupies a particular position or place.
formidable (adjective) 1. causing fear, dread, or apprehension. 2. having qualities discourage approach or attack. 3. intending to inspire awe or wonder; impressive.
SNL's 'I Drink Your Milkshake' - sketch from 2/23/08 Ep.