Lately what's been on the brain are faces. Fleeting images of the faces of people I have met, befriended, and eventually parted ways with.
Faces of the people that used to be essential to my life for who I was at the time.
It truly is a gift - the many gatherings, large and small, casual and intimate, that you share with people.
My mother's recent visit to L.A., for one. A lot of great moments and outings packed into a single long weekend. An entire day at the Huntington Library's botanical gardens. But also a couple of the best moments were probably when we were just sitting together, enjoying the weather over a couple cups of good coffee. There's something gloriously delicious about not being rushed and in that moment having all the time in the world.
Time truly moves faster than anything else. How weird that I realize how incredibly precious time is only ex post facto.
Hello, Dog Days
100 degrees and a next-to-useless air conditioner. I gotta move. The heat in the desert of SoCal is enough to suck the energy right out of you. Do people expect to do anything productive when they're sweating it out?