Ladies and gentlemen, the Itch Festival has begun. I have been attacked. 14 mosquito bites within twenty-four hours. One of them is blowing up to the size of a ping pong ball. It's two days later, so they're all swelling up, itching like mad, and creating quite the irritation.
Where are these mosquitoes coming from? Must be happening in the middle of the night, because I just wake up with these wounds. There should at least have been an opportunity for me at retaliation to kill off these suckers. But while I'm sleeping - this must be the cowardliest of all militant strategies.
Why I get mercilessly attacked and no one else in the apartment does, I have no idea. Everything's clean, I've sprayed on bug repellent, and lit some citronella. Maybe it's my blood type...
I walk outside to my car in the morning, suspiciously eyeing the large, idle puddle of water with various rubbish floating in it. Ughh, standing water.
I gotta move.
No, YOU hold on.
Chick who answered the phone: Please hold...[music begins playing]
Music stops.
My other line rings.
Me: Oh -hold on one second-
I am on the other line for all of about two seconds and now I can see that the other woman who put me on hold has immediately dropped off.
Easy way to annoy others: Put other people on HOLD, but you yourself, won't hold.
My left index finger itches.