I have a new goal of finishing all the food I have in my kitchen before moving at the end of August.
Last night, I made lasagna for the first time. Today I had lasagna for lunch, and then for dinner. Hmm. This could get boring. Lunch, dinner, lunch, dinner.
I have an entire box of lasagna noodles to finish, though, so...July is Lasagna Month, Everybody.
Will keep you posted on what's cooking. And when I find the next digs to call home.
Bring on the Mondays.
I psycho-slept again. Eleven hours last night. If you called me - I was sleeping. Then I still felt tired so went back to bed for what ended up being four more hours - in jeans and make-up and sandals and all. Fifteen hours of sleep. Yes, I've been taking my vitamins and drinking water and exercising. I haven't left my apartment all day save for getting some stuff from my car. Watched Borat. Watched Californication. Heated up some dinner.
Looking forward to work tomorrow, the Monday after a holiday weekend. Been social up until today's episode of narcolepsy.