Rough around the edges. A day when the universe isn't so sweet to you, gives you the cold shoulder, or maybe even the kiss of death. All come at you like a slap in the face - unforeseen, abrupt, a sharp pain.
A low cloud hangs overhead. I try to stay positive and focus on the upcoming summer months, then wince at the weather forecast. It's been a rather chilly spring in Los Angeles, everyone keeps saying to each other. Ahh, but the universe challenges your disposition, tests your patience, and claws at your resilience.
Give me a moment - I am still recovering.
I am thinking about things I shouldn't be thinking about - namely, a big mama red Maine lobster with a side of buttah. I think it must be at least 2 or 3 years since I've had lobster. It is indulgent, perhaps gluttonous, reserved for special occasions when you have something to celebrate. In other words, it would not be eaten during times of famine.
So maybe it's not the lobster that I want - it's what the lobster represents.
No - I still want the lobster. (Photo:
Uncomfortably Comfortable.
Back it up! Backing out of my comfort zone. Again. I realized the other day that I don't like getting too comfortable - in most situations. In a relationship, in a professional setting, in a friendship, in a city. I like to be challenged and I like taking risks. The only place I like to be comfortable is my own bed. And maybe a friend's couch. No - I take that back - friend's couches mean that I have to leave my cushy position and eventually go home. So - back to my bed. I don't like getting comfortable anywhere else.
No wonder I can sleep like a bear.
This posting's LOTW come from Modern Family - they may be dated, but I am catching up on my TV these days.
Gloria: Yeah. I'm Colombian.