A Cry For Help
There are certain pieces of evidence that indicate a cry for help.
For me, it's not smoking or drinking. For me - it is downing multiple cups of caffeine concoctions. Grande cups of chai lattes across consecutive weekdays happen when things are amiss. It means I need an extra kick in the morning, a bit of caffeine-intoxication-induced motivation to jolt me onwards.
What Your Coffee Says About You. And Your Type.
I judge people sometimes by how they take their coffee. But - there is a fine line between arbiters of taste.
My friend orders a Vietnamese iced coffee.
"Strong and sweet," she says. I nod slightly.
"Just the way I like it," she continues. I am pretty sure this is the same description I would give of her type of guy that she generally finds attractive.
I reflect on the fact that some people have had very simple or very complex coffee drinks during my days slinging espresso @ The Buck. Tall drip. Red eye. Black eye. Grande-half-caf-nonfat-extra hot-upside-down-no-foam-caramel macchiato. But some days I feel like a tall drip. And sometimes, the other intricate versions. I wonder, for some people, if their stress levels rise, their drink orders tend to get more complicated. Or less. Or if they've never tried anything else on the menu - you know, that type.
So...how was it that you take your coffee?
The Day You Didn't Get To Eat Lunch
Was not a good day. It was one of those rare days where you were so busy, and things were so incredibly hectic at work, that you didn't get a chance to EAT anything or take a BREAK all freakin' day. You tried to - but events transpired throughout the day such that that opportunity never presented itself. And THEN you finally left work and grabbed something to eat and put some bit of fuel in your stomach, and by THAT TIME, your body is already exhausted from having gone all day working and starving all day. And then your friends ask you why you didn't answer your phone that night - because, you say, I was asleep by 7:00pm, and I was freakin' exhausted
Why didn't you get a chance to eat? Why didn't you get yourself a break?