I'm a hustler, baby. What? I just couldn't resist. I really hate hustling. It's a tiresome game. I dread networking events or mixers. It is a much more gemütlich situation when meeting in small groups, or just one-on-one with someone you already know from a prior association.
We're all hustling in this industry. The work, the sweat, the networking, researching, and whispering in the break room. Not exactly the piece of cake it appears to be from the window.
Are you sad?
People keep asking me this. My feelings about leaving town (and country), however, haven't left me lachrymose. Honestly, I haven't had a chance to give it much thought. Life's details get in the way. You know. What with packing and moving out of my apartment and episodes of Modern Family and 30 Rock.
Guys with Bad Breath.
One of my friends suggested I go out dancing one last time before I leave town.
One bad thing about salsa dancing with guys is that you risk running into a few that have bad breath. Gentlemen, please note: this is a HUGE turn-off. I don't care how good of a dancer you are, or how attractive you might be - halitosis is enough to drive any woman away - instant babe repellent. When us women sense that something noxious is afoot, our instincts tell us to GET THE HELL AWAY FROM WHATEVER THAT SMELL IS.
Apparently in the dental world, professionals can ascertain whether the patient had tartar or plaque in their gums because of their odoriferous nature. This also contributes to bad breath. Yeah. I know. I'm brushing my teeth right now.
LOTW [lines-of-the-week]
"You will win this in the end. It's all about heart. And character. Be your best self...[aside:]I have no idea what his problem is. That's my standard advice. It's good advice, right?" Darryl, The Office, "Sex Ed."
"Hurry up, Aladdin. Before Jasmine is forced to marry Jafar!" Liz Lemon, 30 Rock, "Live Show."
"Because my name is also Britney Spears. My middle name is Susan, my last name is Pierce, that makes me Brittany S. Pierce - Britney Spears. I've lived my entire life in Britney Spears' shadow - I will never be as talented or as famous. I hope you all respect that I want glee club to remain a place where I, Brittany S. Pierce can escape the torment of Britney Spears." Brittany, Glee, "Britney/Brittany."