Thursday, August 7, 2008

Breakaway. The Ideal Gentleman Continued.

I need a break from disappointment.

How much time have has been wasted by your flaky, self-absorbed Angeleno frenemies?
I want three years of my life back.

The Ideal Gentleman - continued...
  • Must be punctual! If you want to impress, you show up on the dot.
  • Must be clean.
  • Must not be swathed in cologne such that people in your surroundings are smothered. A faint scent is quite the COTW move.
  • Must use face wash. Seriously! How many men out there do not wash their faces with a legitimate skincare product? Not talking about bar soap, not talking about the body wash that's already in the shower. No, its not metro, not gay (are all guys in la-la land homophobic?). Its HYGIENE.
  • Cuts his hair!
  • Takes out the trash AND replaces with a new trash bag.
  • If he must be late, must have some sort justified occurrence to have been late. If I'm sitting at a table at a restaurant waiting for your trifling booty to get here, then it better not be for a stop at the florist's for yours truly. Time is more valuable than a few stems that'll die in three days. No triple-confirming with a slew of phone calls. Don't be sorry, be on time.

    Why is it the hardest thing in L.A. to get people together in one place at the time they said they were going to be there?
