"Where do you live?"
"Right above Sunset Blvd."
Really, above? So, does that mean you're, literally in a space that sits physically over the four lanes of traffic? Hmm, interesting. Or you mean you're under Hollywood Blvd.? Because, let's face it, if you're above one thing then you could also be under something else (this is a G rated statement).
Was everyone absent on that same day in third grade? Cardinal directions? Or in kindergarten with the Left and Right designations? North, South, East, West. No, you're not above Wilshire. I think you mean North. Let it catch on like wildfire like it was supposed to twenty-some years ago.
It's four o'clock in the afternoon. The wave of fatigue has enveloped me at this particular Monday moment. I dream of a smoothie. It is packed with strawberries and bananas and soymilk. I go downstairs only to remember that the cafe downstairs is closed by now. I walk back upstairs. Protein Berry has my name all over it right now. Three more hours until the opportunity presents itself. Woman cannot live on dark chocolate alone.
August 13, 2008
It's Wednesday. Turns out, I like going to work earlier. Less traffic, more parking available, and an earlier day. Still not a morning person.
Note to self: Do not toss empty containers of sesame salad dressing in the wastebasket under my desk. Pungent sweet-n-salty aroma will persist throughout the day.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Breakfast sandwich: egg-cheese-bacon number on wheat toast. In the kitchen: ketchup? no. tabasco? no. NO Tabasco?!!
I begrudgingly finish my bland breakfast sandwich, but I dream of other condiments. Of the spicy, the tangy, the glorious. Mental note: Must bring personal spicy condiments to work.
At least tomorrow's Friday.