Saturday, May 30, 2009

So we are. Officially, at least, we guess so.

Good enough. Having the DTR talk is frickin nerve wrecking. Ah, nerves.

I miss Dunkin' Donuts. And chicken fingers. And buffalo wings with blue cheese. And cheese steaks with onions and hot peppers and mushrooms. It's a wonder I wasn't twice my size while growing up. It's high time I saw the folks and the bro. Los Angeles truly is la-la land. People are weird here. You know what I mean. Time to get out of town.

Fiscal Responsibility
So I bought my fourth pair of jeans within a month span. I've got to stop. These are not times to be fiscally irresponsible. The last pair of jeans were - well, I had a gift card. And they were 30% off. Ahh. Working-middle-class-upbringing-guilt-in-times-of-economic-crisis. But then I had three pairs of jeans altered. Why can't petite sizes be all around? Not all of us are 5'7". Venga, hombre!


  • Guys who are attentive. As in, not wrapped up in the chic flakiness of LA which has permeated through the air with the smog into everyone's lungs. If you do what you say you were going to do, it's refreshing (sadly). So, in conclusion, don't be sorry, just do what you say you're going to do.
  • Tasting menus. Unnecessary, but a nice touch.
  • Being able to conclude that we are, in fact, officially dating. I mean, we guess so.
  • Thursday, May 21, 2009

    The blur. Ask me out again. I dare ya.

    Somebody get me a pina colada. In a coconut cup.

    I hope those tight-but-stretchy-jeans I just bought still fit. Have replaced workouts with fatigue. And noshing on dark chocolate M&M's at the office. We'll see what round two of my blood test results say next week.

    Hurry up and ask me out again. Seriously.
    I have no patience when it comes to dating. I don't like waiting around. Let's get things moving along, here.

    Maybe it's how God is teaching me patience. Why does dating have to take so much finesse ? And advice asking and friends' experiences and different input from every freaking body ?

    Dog-owner friend says: yeah, that's so cute, you should definitely go out with him!
    RN friend says: Honestly, I don't know why you're wasting your time with this guy.
    Co-worker says: Who was that guy? You should go out with him, I think he likes you.
    Other co-worker: He's awfully cute. You should give him a nudge.

    People really like giving dating advice, regardless of personal status.

    Tuesday, May 19, 2009

    I'm young and...tired.

    I like naps. Okay so - the doc took another blood sample today. After my blood results from the last two vials came back completely healthy - healthy white blood cells, normal iron count, healthy thyroid results. This time around they are checking for mono and...something else I can't remember. I basically feel like I have the stamina of a grandma. Slept a solid 8 hours last night, woke up exhausted, and then slept for another six hours. Got up to go to the doctor's office - which was struggle itself - because I wanted to go back to bed and sleep more.

    My last appointment, my doctor may have mentioned something along the lines of, "You are in your twenties and you're young, but the mileage that your body does on a daily basis at work may be much more than that." Does she know that I'm a HWA ? I don't remember putting that on my insurance card. But that kind of got me thinking - I don't think I'm doing much more work than anyone else my age - in terms of personal and professional stress, workload, etc. I mean, right ?

    So I picked up some vitamins along with some Band-Aids on the way home. I picked up Band-Aids because I am running low on them, not because they happen to be in neon colors.


  • When are we going out again?
  • And, I wonder when I get my tax refund...
  • Monday, May 18, 2009

    Back to reality. And, did I really pay that much for jeans?

    Monday is back again. How come Monday sneaks up on you, leaving the weekend behind as nothing but a distant and faded memory?
    Got my blood results back. Completely healthy. Well then, why am I tired all the time? You can't just be giving me B12 shots every week. I don't have that kind of time!

    Did I really pay that much for jeans?
    As you may know, HWAs (Hollywood Assistants) don't make a ton of moolah. Okay here's what I'm really trying to say: Why did no one stop me when I paid $60 for a pair of jeans? And then $50 on my second pair ? And then I may have dropped them off today at the cleaners to get them altered for another $25?! Ay que, venga! In this economy. Plus the 9.25% CA sales tax.

    I think I always bought jeans on sale. $10, $20, in PA (with no sales tax on clothes - yeah, I know). Paying full price is not so fun. Who could've foreseen that three pairs of jeans would spring holes at the same frickin time ?

    Los Angeles truly is la-la land. $200 for a pair of Rock & Republics? We're not in Kansas anymore. (Or the suburbs of Philly.)

    I may have a stupid belt that I got for $30.
    It is kind of cute, though.

    Ah, the waste. Nobody tell my Mom, please.

  • Label jeans at $20 or less. Where have those days gone ?
  • Lunching at less than ten bucks. You are sensible, Koreatown. So are you, Porto's - but you've GOT to do something about that parking lot.
  • Thursday, May 14, 2009

    Vitamin B12 shots are delicious.

    Yesterday I had dinner, got home, got into bed around 7:30 or 8pm and fell asleep. With the light on. Woke up at 6:30am today. Where did the stamina of my college days go? Hopefully my blood work will tell me something. Last week my doctor's office took two vials of blood from my inner arm and gave me a shot of vitamin B12 - and was feeling rather alive until about 3am. And then woke up at 7:30am. Those things are nice.
    I wonder how normal it is to feel tired for a few weeks. Or have I been tired for a year...?

  • People who can spell. Honestly, 'jewlery'? You're killin' me, Smalls.
  • Thursday, May 7, 2009

    We're dating...right ?

    So we're a few dates in. You're cute. I'm cute. Things have been going pretty smoothly.

    Do guys not offer their jackets anymore? It wouldn't have been so bad if it weren't so damn windy out. Stupid Santa Ana winds. I'm in a sleeveless dress and starting to rub my arms. Repeatedly. I'm rooting for you, really, I am. Every time I start rubbing my arms in the chilly air I'm rooting for you to offer your jacket. Venga, guapo - work with me, here.

    Makes me wonder if we're wandering into the friend zone.

    But I do love the doors-getting-opened-for-me-and-the-wait-for-me-to-walk-through thing...

    COTW crush-of-the-week
  • Guys in button-down shirts where the top button on the collar is in a contrasting color than the rest of the buttons on the shirt. I kind of want to make out with the shirt.
  • Guys in dress shoes. The kind that make low tapping sounds on marble floors.
  • Tuesday, May 5, 2009

    Don't forget to relax. Today: No coffee, no work.

    What a relaxing weekend. Relaxation. Remember what that feels like? Feels weird, vaguely familiar. Got some shopping done and spent way too much money over clothes and food. AND the ArcLight. Hey - I know, this economy, yada yada yada, but I haven't gone there in a good long while. Really. Besides, I earn points there.

    COTW crush-of-the-week
  • Guys in the sweater over the shirt-and-tie combo. Professional, preppy, nice. It could be a cardigan sweater, even. Anything where the shirt and tie pops out over the sweater a bit.
  • Guys that open my door. Where is the modern gentleman these days? Seems courtesy and chivalry have fallen through the cracks. So when it does happen, it's incredibly refreshing. Like a Pellegrino with lime. Or Ciudad's minty fresh lime cooler.
  • Guys in the fitted-black-leather-jacket-over-white-crewneck-tee-and-jeans combo. Saw 17 Again and Zac Efron rocks it. Montage went on maybe a moment too long - but I must say I love that ensemble.