Here are some observations I have been reminded of recently:
I think these goals/resolution-type-activities/fun-things-I've-never-done-but-always-wanted-to of late stem from an ever increasing realization that life is short, and to take a step out of my comfort zone and outside the Cave of Same Ol' Droll. Sometimes you need to try new things. Rediscover that sense of adventure. Stop looking around you for some amusement and reach into your own bag of tricks.
It is because of this that my entire body is sore right now. Small price to pay for some much-needed rejuvenation.
Simple Things.
Life is always busy - it never stops for you - people keep on working, living. Living in the biz, and the greater LA landscape, for that matter, people are all clamoring to become successful and make a name for themselves. Who wouldn't want that? That doesn't make you unique. That's equivalent to saying 'I like nice things' makes you one of a kind.
Everybody wants something - and oftentimes they want something from you. I really appreciate those little things that seem to become more of a rarity - when someone is simply there to listen instead of just waiting to talk, offers some words of advice and a laugh. How unbelievably refreshing.