Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Smell of Possibilities.

I love fall. It is my favorite season. The long, hot days have now changed their minds and shifted over to the cooler nights that prelude the approach of autumn. You can smell it in the air; leaves turn gold and rays of sunlight become a honey glow of orange; a fresh start, a new beginning, the smell of possibility is undeniable. Even television comes back with new episodes around this time Coincidence? A-hem, negativo. It's a new season, shrink-wrapped and fresh and ready for uncharted territories.

I changed my hair. Went to my stylist Helen for a much-needed spring in my step. (Now I refuse to go to anyone else.) I wonder what you'd call the equivalent of that in the styling world. A bounce to my mane? A vibrance to my tresses? We need to coin some new phrases, us Americans. The most recent one that comes to mine is GTL. Sad, people Sad!

Change of Plans
In other news - a change in plans - my landlord let me know that I won't have to move in October and that the sale of his place will likely not be completed until December. Also he lowered the rent ;) for the remainder of my tenancy. Thanks, Universe! Wondering now what else I should ask for. My landlords have never lowered the rent. Not in the ten years of my renting career.

Am now thinking of more spontaneous things. Where to live next...?

Went to a Chopin concert last night instead of watching the Emmys. Am very happy with my decision. Was surprised that it was a packed house - I was surrounded mainly by thick glasses and gray hairs. Embarrassingly realized that I was fighting sleep about halfway through. Then I figured that most of the audience was fighting much harder than I was. The lights are turned down quite low during performances. I wonder what the composer was thinking when he was writing music. In fact, I wonder what all composers were thinking and feeling when they were making music. I have my theories. And sometimes, just sometimes, I dream - of sleep. Oh, irony.

I need more photos and images for this here blog. Didn't want to mooch off the stock images which are found all the heck over. So, am trying to at least use my own photos and such. Some attempt at personalization. So anyway, here's a Rorschach blot. Part of Andy Warhol's works at the LACMA.

What do you see? The possibilities.

Or that one-sheet from that Ashton Kutcher movie that nobody really remembers. Just that the one-sheet was a Rorschach blot.

The Status of Things
  • Still waiting for my passport. Itching to gallivant now that I don't have it.
  • I have now tried kickboxing. Check. Let's see, so for this year I've checked off - surfing, cirque du soleil , tango.
  • Still kinda want that Marc Jacobs purse.

    OACUN [on-a-completely-unrelated-note]
    Loved this line.
  • "Why don't you let the women and children - and men - go." - Shawn Spencer while in a hostage situation, Psych, "Ferry Tale."