Honestly. They cross the line in terms of legality and, well, some are just plain trite.
Where do you see yourself in ten years? Hopefully as someone who doesn't ask such hackneyed questions.
How thick is your skin? Why do you ask? I mean, how unprofessional and condescending is the work environment you provide?
How old are you? That's illegal to ask. And also, hah, you never ask a woman her age.
What's your ethnicity? Other. Yeah - you've got to be kidding me.
Can you come in tomorrow for a second interview? It would be from 9 to 5. No, its not paid training, its just a long interview. No - I refuse to give up an entire day of my life to train with your company and not get paid for it because you call it an 'interview.' My time is much more valuable than that.
Why should we hire you? I think the question is really, why should I work for your company?
Actually, I don't know why she can't keep an assistant. What do you think makes you a good assistant? Why would I want to work for someone who can't even keep an assistant?
Ding dong, the strike is dead. So I've heard. Corresponding updates pending.