Monday, April 5, 2010

It's All Happening, and Focus, Baby!

What is going on? Stuff has been happening - all at the same time, of course.

My friend gets hit by a car. My other friend's father passes away. I catch a virus and I am 'man down' for nearly a week. Stay Healthy, Friends! (And Stay Home and Get Better!) Have been doing quite a bit of thinking (more than usual) which I think has me on cerebral overload.

[the situation]
So I finally get a chance to do small talk with 'Face.' He has changed his hair and now it's, well, not pretty. A dose of reality hits when the awkwardness of the conversation gets all up in there. Must find out if he has a girlfriend. And how old he is. But in the reverse order. Reminds of me of that "If...then" clause from algebra - or was it trig?

AND THEN 'Boy #2' steps in and we start chatting. Boy #2 is not my type, and you'd expect someone with his frame to be of a burly and belligerent disposition, however, this is not the case. I detect him carefully choosing his words for a moment, and I sense his serious and sensitive side. Whaaaaat ? I know! Didn't see that coming.

COTW [crush-of-the-week]
I've been paying more attention to the fact that there is at least one positive quality in every person that I meet, that I like about them. At least one trait that stands out, or that I think, in a way, fall in love with that they have this quality. This must be at least partially the source of my perpetually changing COTW, I suppose.

In other news, it has been brought to my attention that a certain birthday is approaching. I will have to adjust the age range of the profile of my current 'type' accordingly.

CWMM[conversations-with-my-mother]*new entry!
"Hello, daughter."
"Hi, Mom."
"Everything okay?"
"Yes, everything's fine. Everything okay with you and everyone back home?"
"Yeah, yeah. (pause) So, did you find a boy YET?" (Note: inflection is placed on the word "YET.")

And it starts.

Focus, Baby!
Much to do this week, researching a few professional arenas of my life, as well as doing some very well-procrastinated writing! Hoping to finish some projects for a couple of approaching deadlines.

Must cut back on fun, and put my nose back to the grindstone! So many distractions lately. Trying to remind myself: Writers write!
"So, you going to hang out with us?"
"I can't."
"Why not?"
"I need to pursue my dreams."
"Oh. Can't you pursue your dreams during the week?"
"No. I cannot."