Friday, March 20, 2009

Thanks, Augustine. If that's your real name.

Cute kid. Driving the courtesy shuttle van at my car dealership when I took it in for service.
"What's your name?" He mumbles something.
"What was that?"
"Augustine," he says.
I bet he just made that up, I mused.
"Thanks for driving me, outside of the five-mile radius and all." (Thanks, dealership.)
"Sure. Yeah, they can be really strict about it, but it's not that busy right now."
Dark hair, dark eyes. Nice teeth.I wonder if this is what a cougar feels like.
  • Guys with names like Augustine.
  • Tuesday, March 17, 2009

    Doogie, Clooney, and the thinking candle has been lit.

    You know, I really do love Doogie Howser. Some people say, at least for men, the way to their hearts is through their stomachs. For women, at least in LA, its something in the vague cloud of ambition, breakthrough acting roles, and the gaudy throwing around of money - or - something.
    At the moment my heart's in TV - eps of Doogie. Vinnie - did you ever think about waxing those babies down? You and Sylar should go in - together. Hiro could come pick you up in 1989.

    Doogie, oh Doogie. Did we look that puny when we were sixteen?

    Took in a recent ep of ER. Have you seen any of these recently? The old faces were back - Margulies, Wyle, La Salle, and Clooney! Reason enough for me to tune back in. Cloooooneeeeeeeeeeeey?!

    I'm really supposed to be working on my assignments for my screenwriting class which I am still lagging behind in. Procrastination has always been a bitch.

    So now I have lit my thinking candle in the efforts of inspiration. It burns on the table next to me, flickering. Think think think. What are stories ever really about, anyway?, war, identity, adventure, revenge, self-discovery, coming-of-age, friendships, adulthood, betrayal, survival.

    Okay - so I'm finally getting somewhere - decided to chisel away some more of the characterization to get the details. Now the wheels are turning. ;) And they smell like vanilla.
    Well I should really get off of this blog and get to work - wouldn't want to lose face in my own class.

    Ah, how I miss Boy Meets World.

    Saturday, March 14, 2009

    COTW - the hipster invasion.

    Spotted: dark-haired hipster working at the trader joe's
    toluca lake. Got that whole indie rocker thing down yet STILL looking
    clean-cut. Donning a black-and-white checkered scarf that went cool
    instead of country. Whatever you're doing, keep doing it; you are
    hot. What kind of moisturizer do you use? Nice to see a man who takes
    care of himself.
  • Guys in checkered scarves.

    Alternatively, dressin' it up...
  • Guys in matching folded ascot and tie (or oxford). Fine accessory, monumental effects.

    Wow. That is really not a flattering picture at ALL. I don't understand why people are so obsessed with this kid, anyway.
  • Wednesday, March 11, 2009

    So how old are you? 30?

    It has recently been brought to my attention that I can pass for 30. Yup, I'm surprised too. I wonder if anyone who has read this blog would slap her and cite the many instances of emotional combustion and moments of flagrant insecurity, impatience, and well, ultimately, immaturity which stem from this twentysomething HWA. (Yup, new one HWA: Hollywood Assistant. Keep up with me here, I'm not even going that fast since I'm still weighed down from this past week's Girl Scout cookie gluttony.)

    Hmm. I've now crossed into that era of age being a sensitive subject. It brings to mind - fading youth, and thus less cool, less attractive, and oh-so-out-of-touch. Ooh, stigmas. But then there's always Madonna.

    But put me in front of a churro kiosk and I will have reverted back ten years or more. Those things are a piece of dulce genius.

    I can be just as immature as the next person.

    [photo creds: about churros]

    Monday, March 9, 2009

    Dark Chocolate-Covered Quiet. And, Fun with Personal Ads.

    I am typing on my laptop on my bed. It's 9:30pm and I'm exhausted. Work. Gym. Shower. Dinner. Reading. Behind in my reading. Now debating whether I would stay awake if I pop in Before Sunrise now. Probably not.

    As my roommate's cackling echoes in the hallway outside my closed bedroom door, it disrupts the flow of my thoughts and I feel my annoyance festering. There's a smoker outside my window coughing. The clanging of the gate of the apartment building next door. Somebody's over there, getting buzzed in at the callbox. Five old Armenian dudes with nothing to do stand outside for many nights, smoking and yammering away. A short dog with a high-pitched bark is yapping away. The roar of passing cars and the pop-pop-popping if they hit some of the potholes.

    Wondering where I can pick up some dark chocolate dipping sauce...I dream of quiet. Dipped in dark chocolate.

  • Guys with noserings - the bull branding kind. Hey, if I wanted to herd cattle, I never would have left Boonietown, PA. No sexiness in that.

    Fun with personal ads
    One guy's one-liner is "forget the rest and go with the best." Another's profile headline says "Is it hot in here?" You do know you're 35, right?

    WHAT IS WITH the guys with pictures of themselves in front of fancy cars?
    Guess what? NOBODY CARES. Its all kinds of lame. Save it for your facebook wall postings, buddy - it is attractive to no self-respecting ladies.

    Occupation: "business man." Hmm, and what sort of business would you be in? The business of nose candy? Be more specific.

    Another headline: "in mid-life, but no crisis" - yup. Real convincing. Age? 42. Looking for: women, 21-40. Yeah. Right.
  • Sunday, March 8, 2009

    We're all behind, here.

    Now that I know everyone is behind, I don't feel all that panicked. Getting back on track this week. Catching up on the work, the reading, and the writing. Thank God I'm no longer studying for another exam anymore.
    I was horribly concerned that I was two weeks and a world behind in my online screenwriting class - assignments, lectures, and class discussion and feedback, plus the films to view. Moment of truth and sigh of relief when I check the boards and half the class is behind.
    I hate large groups at small cafes. ABSOLUTELY LOATHE HIM. WTF. Go away, people. Don't you dare ask me for an extra chair. Yeah, I said it.

  • Guys in striped cardigans. Guys in cardigans.
  • Guys rockin' the matching oxford and neatly folded handkerchief in the jacket pocket look. Delicious. BUT ALL IS LOST if we can see the fuzz popping out from the tragic decision to stop buttoning up a notch or two too early. Cover it up, Rico Suave.
  • Wednesday, March 4, 2009


    Did I just kill half a box of lemon chalet cremes? I put the box away like nothing ever happened. Maybe today is the day that I become a stress-eater. You know, one of people who gets those binges triggered by emotional distress. Bulimia nervosa. Yeah, that's right. I was listening that day in seventh grade health class.
    Watch out, everybody. Girl scout cookie season is in full swing.

    I'm sooo tired. So tired so tired so tired so tired.

    LOOKING FORWARD TO a weekend where I have absolutely nothing planned. No plans, no dinner dates, no shopping appointments with the girl friends, no errands, nada. I am just effing tired, here.

    There's always something.

    COTW:None! Man, I'm tired. And now I'm sad that there isn't a single one to note for this week.

    More to post later. Stay tuned, everybody. I mean, stay tuned, my total of two readers.