Wednesday, February 20, 2008

And in television, Words I Thought I Knew, and Klutziness

Late Night with Conan O'Brien. Ep. 2524, February 7th, 2008. Conan gives an unscripted tour of the studio. Oh, Conan. How you make me laugh so.

This Weekend:
  • The first SNL post-strike, hosted by Tina Fey with musical guest Carrie Underwood.
  • The under-hyped Oscars on Sunday. At least there's Jon Stewart to look forward to.

    Words I Thought I Knew
  • casbah(noun). A North African castle or fortress.
  • purveyor (noun). One that supplies (as provisions) usually as a matter of business.
  • bistro (noun). Yes I know we all pretend we know it - but what really constitutes a bistro? there's a few: 1. a small or unpretentious (a-hem) restaurant. 2a. a small bar or tavern. b. a nightclub.
  • gluten (noun). Sounds kinda gross. a tenacious elastic protein substance especially of wheat flour that gives cohesiveness to dough. Great. Just do whatever it takes to make the carb, um, the carb.
  • MSG (noun). 1. master sergeant. 2. monosodium glutamate. Sometimes it does more than just enhance flavor. Attention: do not click on the following link if you don't want to hear the Debbie Downer info regarding the substance.
    About MSG

    In acts of klutziness news...
    I bumped my arm into the bathroom cabinet. Since it was within the first five minutes away from REM, I suppose that's why it took me four inches of the cabinet door scratching into my arm for me to notice. I noticed a moment later the clotted line of blood. Gah, blood - I've nearly forgotten what I'm supposed to do - Neosporin it, rubbing alcohol, rinse with soap and water? Which bandage should I use for a scratch that's four freaking inches long?

    Also, in career-related news..
    Been temping. Still running low on the potential-for-job-that-I-am-genuinely-interested-in factor.