Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Single's Awareness Day, Everybody

  • Guys that can make decent small talk. Hey, starting the convo is half the battle. I shouldn't be the only making the effort at eliminating those awkward pauses.

  • Guys in flip flops. The flip flop is not a shoe that men should be seen in unless they're at the beach.

    Adventure Boys
    Also: When's Elijah Wood going to reprise his status as one of the Leading Adventure Boys of the silver screen? I mean, he's in a pretty exclusive club with Shia Labeouf, Hayden Christensen, and... ok, maybe more like Adventure Boy Trio. Perhaps these boys are in Phase 2 already. Maybe there should be more eyes on the upcoming recruits: Noah Gray-Cabey, Freddie Highmore, Aaron Yoo...more on this later.

    On a completely unrelated note: if Step Up 2's trailers stopped playing that horribly adhesive song maybe I won't keep hearing the lyrics "with the fur, with the fur" in my head.