Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Post-Halloween Slug, Search for the Great Escapes

It feels like it's been awhile, so I don't expect too warm a reception from my three readers of this blog, things have been busy, sugar-laden, and rather unfocused, as may have been apparent in recent postings (and still lingering herein).

I did manage one for the successfully achieved nightlife books. I managed to make it to a friend's Halloween party, without a hitch. i.e. I didn't fall asleep after I got home, changed and showed up in costume, didn't leave after 20 minutes. Instead, ran into a bunch of familiar faces, and, indeed, had fun. Score one point for the candy monster.
Now just recovering from the weekend of costume partying, concert-going, and movie-watching...
It has also come to my attention in a violently traumatic experience that a certain pair of jeans no longer fit me. Let the workouts of need-to-drop-a-few-before-I-fly-back-East-and-see-family-for-the-holidays begin.

The Search for the Great Escapes of Los Angeles has begun...and so begins my favorite places in L.A. that are, essentially and ironically, the spaces that serve to help me get away from the city. I could begin my list here, but then, that's how best-kept secrets never keep their status...

It's already underway. Trust me on this one

Words, phrases and general social behaviors that should not be used. It's verbal pollution, y'all.
  • crapper. i.e. The economy is in the crapper.
    What a coarse word for a coarsely described thought.
  • that's why. No, that's not a complete thought. I'm soooo sick of hearing this one. Just say 'yeah'. This has become the new 'like' of today's vernacular. Ne-yo and I are both sooo sick of it.

    I love
    footage of people celebrating. So exciting. Euphoria is contagious. The commotion of people all smiles, jumping up and down, dancing, screaming out of excitement and positively-charged emotions. Who would have imagined ten years ago that Obama would be our nation's next President?

    New day. Brand new.