Thursday, May 21, 2009

The blur. Ask me out again. I dare ya.

Somebody get me a pina colada. In a coconut cup.

I hope those tight-but-stretchy-jeans I just bought still fit. Have replaced workouts with fatigue. And noshing on dark chocolate M&M's at the office. We'll see what round two of my blood test results say next week.

Hurry up and ask me out again. Seriously.
I have no patience when it comes to dating. I don't like waiting around. Let's get things moving along, here.

Maybe it's how God is teaching me patience. Why does dating have to take so much finesse ? And advice asking and friends' experiences and different input from every freaking body ?

Dog-owner friend says: yeah, that's so cute, you should definitely go out with him!
RN friend says: Honestly, I don't know why you're wasting your time with this guy.
Co-worker says: Who was that guy? You should go out with him, I think he likes you.
Other co-worker: He's awfully cute. You should give him a nudge.

People really like giving dating advice, regardless of personal status.