Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I'm young and...tired.

I like naps. Okay so - the doc took another blood sample today. After my blood results from the last two vials came back completely healthy - healthy white blood cells, normal iron count, healthy thyroid results. This time around they are checking for mono and...something else I can't remember. I basically feel like I have the stamina of a grandma. Slept a solid 8 hours last night, woke up exhausted, and then slept for another six hours. Got up to go to the doctor's office - which was struggle itself - because I wanted to go back to bed and sleep more.

My last appointment, my doctor may have mentioned something along the lines of, "You are in your twenties and you're young, but the mileage that your body does on a daily basis at work may be much more than that." Does she know that I'm a HWA ? I don't remember putting that on my insurance card. But that kind of got me thinking - I don't think I'm doing much more work than anyone else my age - in terms of personal and professional stress, workload, etc. I mean, right ?

So I picked up some vitamins along with some Band-Aids on the way home. I picked up Band-Aids because I am running low on them, not because they happen to be in neon colors.


  • When are we going out again?
  • And, I wonder when I get my tax refund...