Friday, June 26, 2009

Paella, you can't have everything, SIACYCGOO, and Let the Time Wasting Stop. Or, at least, make some cutbacks.

I really do like paella.
Tossing some saffron. Actually, if you must ask, I kicked off a hailstorm of ingredients - sauteed tomatoes, garlic, shrimp, scallops, lemon...but something about having the energy and motivation to cook has me thinking maybe something's just a little bit different. Maybe it's the vitamin B12 pills I've been popping for about three weeks now. Who knew? Last week I was hot in the kitchen.

I don't do what I want.
I usually say that I, pretty much, for the most part, within reason and life's limits, and within fiscally responsible spending habits, do what I want.
It occurred to me that this isn't always the case. I used to want to go to the gym. Now, it's an internal struggle.
As a wise friend once told me what her even wiser mother balked at her:
"you can't have everything."

I've concluded that there is a woman that works in my office whom I absolutely cannot stand. Let's call her, "Stuck-in-a-Conversation-you-can't-get-out-of." Or, SIACYCGOO for short. Wait - still too long. Ok, just SIAC. Fuckin' nut.

Maybe the problem with today's society isn't obesity in America. I think it's COMMON SENSE and DECENT SOCIAL SKILLS. Communications 101 - I guess SIAC was ATD (absent that day) in class.

How much longer do I have to listen to this senseless barrage of chatter? I know when I talk you're just waiting to talk. When you're talking - well, I learned that I shouldn't bother listening - just look for a way to GET THE HELL OUT OF THE CONVERSATION. (Another example of Doing Things You Don't Want To Do.)

There are too many ways to waste time. Harder to be productive than ever.

Let the Time Wasting Stop. Or, at least, make cutbacks.
COTW: Being productive!
It's so hard to get your shit together and be productive. Why, after moving to la-la land, surrounded by creative types and industryfolk, have things gotten so stagnant and, well, discouraging? This weird haze of forgetting your purpose since costs and the almighty day job popped up.

There are so many ways to waste time. Googling. Facebooking and Twittering. Watching movies and wallflowering at Borders and surfing Hulu. Online shopping. Grazing some jams on iTunes. Running errands. Vacation and airfare searching. Sitting and staring. Being an old dude and standing outside of a certain apartment building, smoking with your fellow old dudes and yammering the night away. (Dang! Don't you bugs ever go inside your own homes? GO home, old dudes. Go and be an old dude inside your own home.)

Friend: Why haven't you joined Twitter yet?
Me: I don't know, I'm on facebook -
Friends: Twitter is where you can reach people you don't necessarily know personally or through a friend.
Me: I don't want to have to set up a new profile and all -
Friend: But Twitter tells you about the Kogi taco truck. And the cupcake truck.
Me: Cupcake truck?
Friend: Cupcake truck.
Me: Ah, cupcake No, you know, I just don't need another time wasting website at this point in my life right now.