Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Damn Sexy. And, Mr. Good Enough.

Some days, you feel Damn Sexy. Not sexy, but Damn Sexy.

Today, however, is not one of those days.

I put some toothpaste on a double-whitehead pimple last night. Yep - not one, but two whiteheads seemed to emerge out of nowhere, right next to each other. It has morphed into THE ONE BIG PIMPLE. I hyperbolize. It's different if you already have a dozen blemishes; what's one more ? It's another story, when you have THE ONE BIG PIMPLE. Oh well. Life goes on.

Mr. Good Enough
I've given it some thought. Some people wait forever looking for Mr. Perfect or Mr. Right. But there are a few people you run into - Mr. Good Enough. Perhaps some women are considering opting for this gentleman when they meet him. You're not settling if you stop looking for something that doesn't exist, right? You're just choosing an option, more, let's say, real ?
Let's come back to this topic later.

Hollywood Assistants
Some people ask me what it is I do. I answer, and, naturally, I think of characters from film and television to draw as examples.

  • Andrea Sachs, Anne Hathaway's character on The Devil Wears Prada.
  • Lloyd, Ari Gold's assistant on Entourage.
  • Jonathan, Jack Donaghy's assistant on 30 Rock.
  • Doralee Rhodes in Nine to Five. She worked in Mr. Hart's office.